Canada’s only international public transit service dominates Windsor’s 2025 budget talks
City council is being told to find a way to spend more money on Transit Windsor instead of a agreeing to a proposed service reduction.
The topic dominated the city’s public delegation period focusing on the 2025 capital and operating budget.
On Monday, Dilkens confirmed the item dealt with the potential elimination of Windsor’s tunnel bus that crosses the border into Detroit.
“The subsidy provided to operate the tunnel bus is just dramatic,” said Dilkens, citing the 10 sick days required for workers in federally regulated industries, which includes Transit Windsor because of the international crossing.
Nate Hope of Activate Transit Windsor-Essex was handing out flyers on the weekend to folks at the Transit Windsor tunnel bus pick-up location.
He told council some people had no interest in the flyer but grabbed for it when they heard it had to do with potential tunnel bus cuts.
“When they heard that there might be a possibility of something happening with the tunnel bus they were really shocked,” said Hope.
He’s connected with Transit Riders United, another advocacy group in Detroit, and both believe there could be tweaks to the tunnel bus route on both sides of the border.
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