Budget 2025 Information

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Community Mandate 2022


Check out the key points taken from our community survey and outreach. For the future of the public transit system in Windsor, we are putting forward calls to action to create a public transit system to serve Windsor-Essex that improves mobility, quality of life, and economic inclusion for all.

Words from community members:

“I need better hours. I have been turned down for every full time opportunity because I am tied to the bus schedule. I can't get ahead because of this.”  Woman, age 35-44

"I would love to take the bus to and from work each day.. but it's not feasible due to bus stop locations, bus routes, and how often they run. When my kids were in high school they could walk home in 40 minutes.. but the bus took over 2 hours to get home - they refused to take it even in the winter."  Woman, age 45-54

“I think it's especially difficult to get a job when you say you travel by bus. I was denied a job because my transportation was not reliable, but I am a student at the university. I can't afford a car and can only take the bus, so it's extremely difficult when places won't hire you because you can't drive or don't have 'reliable' transportation. It doesn't help the buses are always late or just dont show up at all”  Woman, age 18-24

"There should be more bus services on weekends because I have to work and if I can't take bus, I have to book a cab. That is really being to expensive for me" Woman, age 18-24

"We need more lines, MUCH more frequent. we need a service that doesn't stop at 7pm or leaves you stranded on a Sunday." Male, age 45-54

"I truly believe that our transit service needs to be changed. There are not enough routes to get to certain areas in Windsor, or it takes too long or too many transfers to get there. Busses often have me arrive half an hour early or 15 mins late to my needed destination. With the transit fare rates increasing with no change to our bus system It makes it very difficult for me to get around on a bus which is my main use of transportation." Non-binary, age 25-34

620 people, transit riders and non-transit riders alike from a broad diversity of backgrounds, participated in this survey. The results are summarized in an online dynamic report created by Ravel Insights. We look forward to the community drawing their own conclusions from these results.

Activate Transit Windsor Essex is a grassroots advocacy group working for a more accessible and sustainable transportation system in Windsor and Essex County

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Our Values

Activate Transit Windsor Essex is guided by the following values:

Participatory Democracy

We believe that the more citizens are involved, the better public transit system we will have. We are pluralists. We believe that innovation is a function of democratic strength. We believe that democratic strength depends on cultivating collective awareness about issues. We believe that democracy goes beyond just voting for elected officials: democracy can and should take place at all stages of the policy-making process. We believe in leveraging 21st century technology to make this happen.

Quality Of Life
Evidence-based Decision-making